Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Task Three - Understanding the Techniques of Music Videos – Editing to the Beat

Before making my final music video, I was able to use some existing soundtracks and clips to practice on different techniques and styles.  I was able to experiment on different video’s styles and effects. This enabled me to find out what was good with the music and to see if the music would match the video clips. I had to first start the music off and listen to it and try to mark where the beats drops which left ‘markers’ on the timeline to make it as easy as possible when I start editing the clips. I was then able to add all the videos clips of my choice and edit it by cutting it at the exact point where the beat drops. This meant that I was able to use a number of different video clips to get the effects I desire/preferred to use the editing of the video clips. I was then able to use a split screen effect to layer a number of different video clips. I believe that I was able to edit the videos successfully and was able to gain an idea of how I would create the desired effect I need for my real music video editing.

The techniques that I used in the short video may be used in my real music video because they make the image on the screen more interesting to watch. The way the Image is cut to match the beat of the music infers that the audience would not lose an interest in the video, also a number of different type of clips can be used in the real music video I produce and edit.

Using the split screen was a bit challenging at first as I had to ensure that the videos all stayed on at the same time and I had to make sure that there was no black screen that was being shown when watching the final edited clip. This is a really good technique to use when producing my real music video, as this means that more images can be used at the same time and the audience can gain a better idea of what is being shown and what’s going on in the video clip. Special effects are also useful as it means that you can completely change the image that appears on the screen. I was able to use some special effect toward the end of my video as I needed to try different ones out so I could make my final judgement on what one to use for my real music video.

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