Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Task Two – Understand the styles and conventions of music videos- Different styles of music video

Different styles of Music Video
There are different styles that a music video can be created in. Some styles of music video can be included in narrative based, surrealist, impressionist, pastiche, parody, homage, and intersexual. In this post I would explain these styles and include examples of why and where they have to be used for in certain music videos.

Intertextual reference may be used within a music video which is when the media references another media text. Other music videos use television programmes or films as a starting point to help create a music video. This can either be created by copying the style of the media text they are looking at, or in a parody style. An example of a music video that shows intertextuality is the song ‘Roar’ by Kate Perry. The introduction to the music video references Indiana Jones because it has the same text. Also, the video looks similar to some shots in the Tarzan movie video because we see her wearing a similar outfit and swinging out from side to side in the trees.

Narrative Based
A music video that is narrative based would use a performance as a way to tell a story. Therefore, the performance that is shown on the screen would link to the lyrics of the song and will usually cut between shots of the story. Also, these videos are used to show that the song has a story and it not just about the music. An example of a narrative based music video is the ‘November Rain’ by Guns N’ Roses. We see that the videos begins by showing someone taking pills before they go to sleep, therefore this is the start of the story. The shot then cuts to the band performing the song, and then back to the shot of the story.

Surrealist music video will include anything that are out of the ordinary. The video might not relate to the lyrics. Surreal music videos are usually influenced by a dream or an imagination which is why what you’ll see in the video is something you only can imagine. An example of a surrealist music video is ‘Don’t come around here no more’ by Tom petty and the Heartbreakers which has its own take on Alice in the wonderland. The music video for this song is based upon the fantasy novel and the images seen within the videos matches the book/film.


A pastiche music video is a style that sets out to imitate the style of another artist’s work. It is not included to makes fun of the work, but to celebrate the style it is aiming to imitate. It do this in a respectful way instead of mocking the style. An example of a pastiche music video is ‘candyman’ by Christina Aguilera. This music video is based upon a 1940s World War II theme. She singing with three different hair colour which was brown, red and blonde. The costumes they were wearing in the music video also mimic what would have been worn in the 1940s. The style of music, blues, swing, jazz, is also the same as what would have been at that time.
An impressionist music video would include different shot to make the audience feel a certain way. This style could either help to narrate the story or used to just for entertainment purposes. The shots used can include different aspect, such as locations, people and objects. An example of an impressionist video is ‘somebody that I used to know’ by gotye. The video is very abstract and we see that a man is standing, decorating the walls in which he is covered in paint to blend in. Then a women comes into the shot that is also painted but her pain is taken off which infers that they are now different and someone that he used to know, which illustrate the lyrics.

A parody music video is one that sets out to mock another style of work. Also it can mimic both the song and the video of the style they are looking at. An example of an artist that create parodies is ‘Weird Al Yankovic’. This artist created the song White and Nerdy which is a parody of the song ‘Ridin Dirty by chamillionaire’. The music mimics the song as well as the video. The parody version of the song sets out to mimic everything the original song stands for. The original song shows ‘gangsters’ going about their business, with the parody showing a “nerd” rapping about his life.

A homage music video is a music video that sets out to honour another media text. It does not try to mimic it in a bad way like a parody, but to respect it. An example of this is the music video for Digital Love by Draft Punk. The video is a homage to anime, as the video consist of Japanese animation throughout. This video would be a homage to anime as characters can be seen within the video that people recognise. The music matches the visuals as it sounds very futuristic, which is what the soundtrack to the anime sounds like.

Animation style is a form of a music video, which enables the whole music video to be animate. The video could either be digitally made by a computer software or hand made by using stop motion. An example of an animated music video is ‘Good morning’ by Kanye west. ‘Good-morning by Kanye West is a good example of an animated music video, the music video for "Good Morning" is essentially the result of Japanese pop artist Takashi Murakami bringing to life the various designs he had composed for Graduation's album artwork through the use of Cel-shaded animation. Also the video is highly detailed background and environment. The video clearly illustrate the creative design and layout of the video and the music video is about a ‘guy that has a busy day ahead of him’. The music video was created by the computer using different software’s to make it. This music video is created very good as the animation is done properly, which the audience will enjoy it. Additionally, animation is used for young children, however it is good because the song is related to the working life, therefore the animation is really good.

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